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    Silence ll fifth years ll lesson 3

    Lenora Malfoy
    Lenora Malfoy
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    Silence ll fifth years ll lesson 3 Empty Silence ll fifth years ll lesson 3

    Post by Lenora Malfoy Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:55 pm


    Okay this lesson will be based on the silencing charm. I want you to go to a pot, it hold a mandrake root and I want you to grasp the top and pull it out. Use the incantation silencio to shut off it's cries.

    P.S: Don't forget to put on your ear muffs and gloves before proseeding.
    Fifth Year
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    Silence ll fifth years ll lesson 3 Empty Re: Silence ll fifth years ll lesson 3

    Post by Sel Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:27 am

    "Oh come on, mandrake!" the Slytherin yelled furiously, her ears deafened, but not entirely, by the earmuffs. "Wake me up! Do your best!" she continued, the glare from her eyes present, her breathing rapid and accelerating, and her mind, her reckless mind, wondered on its river of streams, on why she could have chosen not to wear the earmuffs instead. So she can be fully awake.

    "URGH!" she shouted at the living, yet horrible creature, its mouth gaping wide open, its cries not sufficient to summon a dead body from the soil. She raised her arm higher, her other gloved hand grasping for her wand, and held it firmly, sunken eyes invisibly tormenting the plant.

    Frances pointed her wand, directly on the crisp mouth, and declared triumphantly, "Silencio!" she dropped the still screeching mandrake back into the pot, its horror blown away by one spell, and plopped her head on the table, desiring for the paradise of sleep.
    Emily Benett
    Emily Benett
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    Silence ll fifth years ll lesson 3 Empty Re: Silence ll fifth years ll lesson 3

    Post by Emily Benett Wed Oct 31, 2012 4:35 am

    Charms was one of Emily's favorite lessons.

    Herbology, on the other hand, was nearly impossible for her. But since it involves charms, she could do it.

    the Ravenclaw then grabbed her earmuffs and placed it on her head, making sure the "muff's" part was aligned. And then she grabbed her gloves and pulled it onto her arms. This was going be a hard one.

    She heard that full grown mandrake cries can actually kill you, but mandrakes that aren't full grown can just knock you out. But she forgot how to tell one from the other. Was it the size maybe? or how loud the cries are? she sure didn't want to find out the hard way.

    She placed her grip on the mandrake root, tightening her grip to make sure it wouldn't slip. She got ready for the cries. It was now or never.

    She pulled the root with all her might, and on the bottom, was a baby-looking, but disgusting, plant which is currently yelling and screaming, but it didn't look like it was struggling. God, the cry was annoying, so she wanted to finish this as fast as she could. She pointed her wand at the crying mandrake and yelled the charm "Silencio!" causing it to stop crying, not entirely. It was just the sound that stopped, but it still looked like it was crying. "God! I'm glad that was done!" she said with relief. She dropped the mandrake into the pot, and plopping her hands onto the table with relief.

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