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Hogwarts Regenerated

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The new generation of witches and wizards has come. Whose side are you on?

2 posters

    Things happen for a reason

    Tabi Ann Prewett
    Tabi Ann Prewett
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    Things happen for a reason - Page 2 Empty Re: Things happen for a reason

    Post by Tabi Ann Prewett Thu Oct 25, 2012 1:03 am

    Tabi could not help but curl in next to Thomas pulling her feet up next to her while they talked. She could not put her finger on it but something was pulling her towards this guy. She had never had feelings like this for anyone before and she was a little scared. Always afraid of getting hurt, which was why she probably never truly opened herself up to Ivano, but then she never felt like this to him either. He father hurt her a lot and maybe that was why she just stayed with Ivano cause he was safe.

    "I seemed to be doing very well just bumping into people." Tabi said with a smile and a wink.

    Tabi could not believe either that he had just called her darling, this man was something else. Tabi had decided from this point out this man was going to be hers and any other woman was to get in her way better watch out.

    "Wow, love and then darling. I am not used to such words." Tabi said with a blush.

    "I believe this weekend would be perfect." Tabi said as she continued to have her hand on his thigh as she was curled up next to him. She felt rather safe at this moment that the problems of the world would disappear.

    "Thank you for listening to me by the way, even though we have just met." Tabi said and leaned up and kissed his cheek. "I am also usually not this forward, there is just something about you that draws me too you."

    Tabi had never been one who believed in soul mates, but when destiny was involved you never know where your life will take you.

    "You are kidding me, how on earth is that even possible?"

    Thomas Gilbert
    Thomas Gilbert
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    Things happen for a reason - Page 2 Empty Re: Things happen for a reason

    Post by Thomas Gilbert Fri Oct 26, 2012 5:08 pm

    Thomas chuckled. "Oh yes you do Tabi, I think you were mean't for bumping into people" Thomas said with a smirk on his face.

    Thomas watched her blush and hid his smirk. "Well, a lady should be treated right and loved, if not than you'll just get yelled at" Thomas replied.

    Thomas wrapped his arm around her and kept her close to him. This girl was going to change him, he just knew it. "Okay, this weekend it is than" Thomas said.

    Thomas shrugged. "No problem Tabi, I'm glad I could be of listen" she kissed his cheek and he smirked at her. "To be honest, me either".

    "Nope, I'm being dead serious, my friend Caleb is the Slytherin prefect and he found out and I checked it out and saw that there was one. This school is going mad".
    Tabi Ann Prewett
    Tabi Ann Prewett
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    Things happen for a reason - Page 2 Empty Re: Things happen for a reason

    Post by Tabi Ann Prewett Sat Oct 27, 2012 12:31 am

    Tabi smiled, "I think I was actually meant to bump into you."

    Tabi felt even more safe when he placed his arm around her and she knew that she could stay in the spot all night long. Next things she knew she gave a little yawn and she tried to cover it with her hand.

    "I take it you have been yelled at before, I usually hex first." Tabi stiffened a little giggle.

    Actually when it came to guys if one was to be honest she was very timid and usually just took what she was given, which was probably why Ivano walked all over her. When your beaten by the only male figure in your life a person tends to turn that way.

    Listening to him agree with her Tabi caught herself starting to doze off, this was the best she had felt in a long time. She was just glad her headaches had stopped.

    "Diffidently crazy people around here." Tabi mumbled trying not to fall asleep she was enjoying the company too much.

    Thomas Gilbert
    Thomas Gilbert
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    Things happen for a reason - Page 2 Empty Re: Things happen for a reason

    Post by Thomas Gilbert Sat Oct 27, 2012 2:52 am

    Thomas looked at her. "I was never a believer in the whole fate thing, that was always my sister Alex" Thomas explained.

    Thomas tried not to laugh when he heard her yawn. "Are you tired much" Thomas teased her.

    Thomas shrugged. "Uh, only when I get caught, sometimes it's Alex and thats only because I didn't tell her about some of my pranks and she wanted in on it" Thomas said. Thomas snorted. "I punch first".

    Thomas watched as she started to doze off on him. He didn't know if he was supposed to wake her up and tell her to go upstairs, or to just leave her there and let her sleep on him.

    "Yes there is" Thomas nodded. He looked at her and sighed. He stood up after he untangled them apart. He picked her up bridal style. "Come on Tabs, you're going to bed" Thomas said as he started walking to the stairs.
    Tabi Ann Prewett
    Tabi Ann Prewett
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    Things happen for a reason - Page 2 Empty Re: Things happen for a reason

    Post by Tabi Ann Prewett Mon Oct 29, 2012 4:44 am

    Tabi barely felt Thomas pick her up and carry her towards her dorm room at first and then it slowly registered. Causing her to place her arms around his neck.

    "Well thank you for the lift.". Tabi said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "It was the first time in a long time I truly felt safe. I didn't mean to fall asleep."

    Tabi could not help the blush that rose in her cheeks.

    "Once again thank you.". Tabi just smiled as she looked into his eyes, she could really get lost in them.

    Thomas Gilbert
    Thomas Gilbert
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    Things happen for a reason - Page 2 Empty Re: Things happen for a reason

    Post by Thomas Gilbert Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:47 pm

    Thomas shrugged as he placed her on her bed in the dorm. "It was no problem, I'm used to doing this when one of sisters fall asleep on the couch and I take them to their room. It's a habit" Thomas explained to her. He didn't want her to feel like he didn't care by leaving her to sleep on the couch.

    Thomas nodded and gave a smirk. "No problem Tabs, I'll see you around, I have to get ready for bed as well, it's dark outside" Thomas happened to look out the window before looking her in the eyes.

    He cleared his throat after their little staring contest. "I should go".
    Tabi Ann Prewett
    Tabi Ann Prewett
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    Posts : 256
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    Location : Wouldn't you Like To Know

    Things happen for a reason - Page 2 Empty Re: Things happen for a reason

    Post by Tabi Ann Prewett Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:48 pm

    Tabi just smiled as she watched Thomas walk away. He was the most perfect guy she could have ever asked for. She hoped he had the same thoughts about her in the regards.

    HE carried her all the way to her bed and that right there was the hook, line, and sinker. No one had ever done anything like that for her before. Ivano would just move and let her fall onto the couch. She asked him once and he told her she had two legs and could walk.

    Tabi just sighed and laid back on her bed staring at the ceiling. School had just got way more interesting and she couldn't wait until this weekend.

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