Hogwarts Regenerated

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Hogwarts Regenerated

Hello and welcome to Hogwarts Regenerated. We have moved over to http://z13.invisionfree.com/HogwartsRegenerated/index.php? come join us!!

Hogwarts Regenerated

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The new generation of witches and wizards has come. Whose side are you on?


    The Mel
    The Mel
    Co Admin
    Co Admin

    Posts : 565
    Join date : 2011-12-26
    Location : In the Shadows

    Description Empty Description

    Post by The Mel Tue Dec 27, 2011 5:01 am

    The finest restaurant in the whole of the wizarding Russia, the high ceilings and sparking chandeliers of the Black Swan makes for an altogether pleasant and luxurious atmosphere. Of course, this atmosphere costs more money, making it the most expensive restaurant in the whole of the wizarding world, as well. The food here, however, is simply the best, made from ingredients of the highest quality, so the prices are well worth it.

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:47 am